Having a family means you have to keep a tight rein on the purse strings. Some of your household bills, you cannot avoid. Among the necessary, but potentially-expensive costs, is your car insurance. You need to insure the vehicle, but you also have to keep the cost affordable.
Since car insurance prices fluctuate, you want to look at every avenue to keep your bill stable. Even the insurance agent you work with might be a lifeline to secure affordable policies. If you work with an independent agency, the staff can often use their expertise to your advantage. ![white vehicle with blue neon headlight bulb](https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1542282088-fe8426682b8f?crop=entropy&cs=tinysrgb&fit=max&fm=jpg&ixid=M3w1NjgwOTN8MHwxfHNlYXJjaHw3fHxjYXJ8ZW58MHx8fHwxNzM5MzgwMTM2fDA&ixlib=rb-4.0.3&q=80&w=400)
What’s an Independent Insurance Agency?
There are insurance companies, then there are insurance agencies. Insurance companies, or carriers, are the groups that issue the policies. They might include familiar names like Nationwide® and more. These brands usually leave the sales of policies to agencies scattered across the country.
However, some agencies operate independently of a single insurance company. Independent agencies usually offer multiple types of insurance policies from several carriers. Therefore, they have a wide range of policies from which clients can choose. It’s this ability to choose that often proves instrumental to your satisfaction.
The Benefits of Independent Agencies
Car insurance prices vary from car to car, driver to driver and town to town. You don’t want to get stuck without choices when trying to select a policy. With an independent insurance agency, your chances of getting stuck usually goes down.
Independent agents generally can compare the policies offered by multiple insurers. They can get a sense of the coverage you need based on the value of your car, your driving record and other factors. They can look at how those parameters will affect the policy rates offered by their partner companies. They can likely look for the insurer that offers you the lowest prices based on your coverage needs. Furthermore, they can take a look at which companies offer the best incentives for you, including ease of payment, policy discounts and additional perks.
Working with an independent car insurance agent means they often won’t bind you only to one company. If you ever decide to change your coverage, your agent can likely help you look around for the best options. Therefore, you will have the flexibility to make policy changes when you need them.
So don’t wait, Choice One Network is an independent agency. We’re ready to help you get the best car insurance out there.