Just as having insurance is a vital part of owning a car or home, it is also necessary for renters to have insurance. Here are just a few of the many reasons why it is so vital for you to purchase renters insurance, and why you should consider doing so if you are currently uninsured. 
You are Not Protected
A common misconception renters have is that their landlord’s insurance will protect them during an emergency; however, this is not always the case. Your landlord’s insurance will only protect what belongs to them, which is the building itself and community amenities. Your belongings will not be protected in this case. So, if your home is broken into or if there is a fire, the building will be covered but your belongings will not be.
Your Stuff is Worth More Than You Think
Another reason individuals often choose to skip renters insurance is that they do not think their belongings are worth the expense. However, after a catastrophe, many individuals are surprised to learn that their belongings totaled over $20,000, and they have no way to replace this items. This makes purchasing insurance that matches the value of your belongings vital so that you can ensure you have a way to replace what you lost after a disaster.
Help with Temporary Living Expenses
This is a benefit of renters insurance many people are not aware of and do not consider. However, should your home be damaged, you will have nowhere to live while your home is being repaired. This is where having renters insurance can be extremely beneficial. In the event that your home becomes uninhabitable, you renters insurance may help cover the costs associated with temporary housing such as hotel expenses and food costs.
Renters insurance is a vital thing to have due to the many benefits it can provide. However, do not wait until after a disaster has occurred to learn how renters insurance could have benefited you. Protect yourself now by purchasing renters insurance today.
Protect your assets. Call Choice One Insurance at 800-547-0006 for more information on Cutler Bay renters insurance.